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Student Life


As a student in the MSc in Sustainable and Green Finance programme, the student experience should not only be restricted to the classroom. In addition to academic activities, you will have access to a myriad of social, corporate and enrichment activities, which are organised specially for you to have a fulfilling time here at NUS.


Orientation and Teambuilding Activity

At the start of the programme, a week-long orientation programme will be held for all new students. A teambuilding activity is also held as part of the orientation programme to enable the forging of new friendships.

Alumni Networking Sessions

Once a semester, students will have the opportunity to get-together with their seniors and alumni from the programme to catch-up and network over some food and drinks.

End-of-Semester/Farewell Events

At the end of each semester, a small celebration will be held to mark the milestone.

MSc Wellness Week

Held during recess week, this weeklong event aims to give students a well-needed mental reprieve in the middle of the semester by engaging in various physical activities

Festive Celebrations

International students will have the chance to experience new cultural elements through these festive celebrations, e.g. Chinese New Year.


Networking Sessions/Talks

Usually in cooperation with other stakeholders, e.g. BIZCareersCEMS Club Singapore and The Master’s Club, these networking sessions and talks with corporate partners will give students the opportunity to interact with company executives.


Skill Seminars

These short seminars provide training on a wide variety of essential and practical skills for an effective professional career. Topics include Crisis Management, Negotiation Skills, Ethical Leadership, etc.

Career Workshops

These workshops aim to provide students with career foundations e.g. Crafting Resumes, Interview Skills, etc.


The Master’s Club

The Master’s Club (TMC) brings together all students who are currently in the MSc programmes and aims to connect them with past and future students. Helmed by MSc students and supported by the MSc Programmes Office, TMC organises activities and seminars throughout the year to enrich and enhance the student experience. They also network with alumni on a regular basis to enable students to build meaningful connections and create a vibrant community.